The Domino Effect in Writing

Gambling Blog Feb 26, 2025

Domino is a flat, thumbsized rectangular block with one or more sides either blank or bearing from one to six dots—called pips—which form rows and angular patterns. Twenty-eight such pieces make a full domino set. Traditionally, European-style dominoes are made of bone, silver lip ocean pearl oyster shell (mother-of-pearl), ivory, or a dark hardwood such as ebony with contrasting black or white pips inlaid or painted on the top surface. They are typically arranged in a square, with one domino on each end of a line or a ring. Dominoes are used to play a variety of games, including the well-known game of placing dominoes in a straight or curved line and then tipping the first domino ever-so-slightly to cause all the others to fall in a rhythmic cascade. The concept of domino has become widely applied to any action that affects all other actions in the same way.

When a prankster pushes the first domino over, the rest of the chain falls in a satisfyingly mesmerizing rhythm that is often described as a “domino effect.” In writing, this term describes any sequence of events that impact all other scenes in the same way. Whether you are a pantser (writer who doesn’t make detailed outlines ahead of time) or a plotter, understanding how to use the domino effect can help you write more compelling stories.

Some learning challenges are like falling dominos, with one small mistake impacting the entire sequence. In order to prevent this, we need to understand the forces that impact how students learn and how they can be overcome.

A young Neena Thurman grew up with an infatuation with the game of dominoes, and her family bought her a set when she was nine years old. She quickly became obsessed with setting up dominoes in a straight or even curved line, then flicking the first domino over to watch it cascade into a pattern. She started posting videos of her creations online, and soon her YouTube channel, Hevesh5, had more than 2 million subscribers. She’s also worked on projects for movies, TV shows, and events, including a Guinness World Record-setting domino circle. Her largest installations take several nail-biting minutes to fall, and each element is meticulously planned to ensure it works properly.

Domino’s early success stemmed from the core value of “Champion Our Customers,” which prompted founder Tom Monaghan to prioritize opening locations close to college campuses. The strategy boosted sales, and by 1978, the company had 200 stores nationwide.

The company has maintained its growth, thanks in part to a dedicated workforce, and new CEO Marc Doyle is promoting the same values as his predecessor. In addition to offering employees flexible schedules and training programs, Doyle has emphasized listening to feedback. Among other things, this means taking note of complaints—such as the Detroit Free Press’s Top Workplaces survey results highlighting Domino’s lackluster performance in customer satisfaction and workplace safety—and making changes accordingly. These initiatives should boost the company’s bottom line, which may not have been as strong as it could be if the company had ignored its customers’ concerns.