Domino (also known as bones, cards, men, or pieces) is a small flat rectangular block of wood or another rigid material used as gaming object. Its face is either blank or bears from one to six spots or pips. Each domino is usually twice as long as it is wide. A complete set of dominoes consists of 28 pieces. Several different types of domino games can be played with these pips or spots; they are often used to practice counting skills.
The name Domino is derived from the Latin word for “heavy,” referring to the weight of the piece. The word has a broad etymology, however, and in English it also means hooded cloak and mask worn together at carnival season or during masquerades, as well as the Latin term for “brick.” A domino is a figurative expression for something large, important, or influential. The name also has an amusing slang meaning of a domino player who loses his game.
A domino is an interesting metaphor for a task that requires a great deal of care to perform well. The idea that a single domino can trigger a chain reaction with dramatic and sometimes devastating consequences is also very much like how narrative works. Whether you write off the cuff or plot your novel with an outline, a good story comes down to answering this question: What happens next? Considering how to use the domino effect in your fiction can help you answer this question and keep your readers engaged.
The concept of a domino is reflected in the phrase, “as one thing goes, so go the others.” This is the essence of a successful domino effect and it is why people have such a fascination with playing with and building domino lines. The joy of watching the end result of one tiny action impacting the whole is mesmerizing. This is similar to the way that some learning challenges can impact students. The domino effect can begin when compensating for a student’s difficulty starts to interfere with their ability to develop core skills that will enable them to succeed on their own.
After a domino effect led to a massive scandal and the resignation of CEO David Brandon, new Domino’s CEO Steve Doyle put into place many changes designed to improve the company’s culture and profitability. He promoted the value of listening to employees and focused on addressing key complaints about the pizza company. He introduced a more relaxed dress code and new leadership training programs, as well as a system for recruiting college-age students to work for Domino’s. Despite these initiatives, it is difficult to determine whether or not they will be enough to revitalize the company’s business model. The company has not yet been able to turn a profit and is still $943 million in debt. But Doyle believes the new tactics will eventually pay off, and Domino’s may finally be back on track to success. If they do, it will be a testament to the power of the domino effect and the importance of listening to your customers.